All Copper Essential copper bottle are handmade and using 100% pure copper that is safe for customers to consume and use, bringing the greatest copper bottle using experience and enjoy the health benefits.

Copper is an ideal material for reusable bottle comparing to plastic and other materials like glass. Copper Bottle and water are the best natural supplement to Hong Kong people’s life.

Traditionally, Copper Vessel is believed that it can purify the water quality for 6-8 hours proven by ancient medical study. Most of the Asian households have using copper vessels due to the belief that it can help purifying and energizing the water in the daily life.

Harmful Bacteria like E. Coli, Salmonella and Vibrio Cholerae in the water is eliminated which show that copper vessels can help strengthening the water quality through increasing important minerals and make it safe to drink.

Copper vessels also helps increasing red blood cells which beneficial to the blood pressure, heart rate, immune system and bone. Copper vessels can even alkalize the water and make it beneficial to human health. It can help inactivating the corona virus on the copper surface and help preventing the respiratory viruses.

Copper Essential copper bottles are all locally handmade in India and deliver to Hong Kong in order to maintain the high quality of the copper bottles and ensure every customers can empower their health with the benefits of ‘Tamra Jal’ Copper Water from the Ayurveda.

Price of the Copper Bottle might be a bit Expensive but we are trying our best to ensure the of copper vessels in order to make the 100% confirmed pure-food grade copper that is safe to consume anytime and anywhere you use.

*Bottles with minor defects are all confirmed 100% functional and you can purchase them by enjoying the discount of 20-30% off.